Symposium on Letheby and Gerrans, “Self unbound: ego dissolution in psychedelic experience”

I am delighted to announce the next symposium in our series on articles from Neuroscience of Consciousness.  Neuroscience of Consciousness is an interdisciplinary journal focused on the philosophy and science of consciousness, and gladly accepts submissions from both philosophers and scientists working in this fascinating field. We have two types …

Perceptual Integration and Visual Illusions

In my first post I argued that inconsistencies in visual space reflect a conflict between visual experience and perceptual judgement. In this second post I argue that the same approach can be applied to (a) the integration of depth cues, and (b) illusions of visual space, to show that they …


You may (or may not) have noticed that Pete Mandik and Richard Brown (me) have started a podcast, called SpaceTimeMind, where we talk about tax law updates for 2014, uh, I mean, er, we talk about space and time and mind! The first episode is up now (and has been …

CFP: “Mental Illness and Power”

CALL FOR PROPOSALS “Mental Illness and Power” A Philosophy Conference at the University of Memphis Memphis, Tennessee February 21-22, 2014 Keynote Speaker: David Goodman (Lesley University) Deadline for proposals: November 15th, 2013 Contact e-mail: This and more information available online at:

Is there anything good about delusions?

In my last post I want to go back to delusions. Isn’t it just hopeless to suggest that they can achieve epistemic innocence? It probably is, as delusions violate all norms of rationality for beliefs we can think of. But it is important to ask whether delusions have any redeeming …

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