CFP: International Conf. on Psychological Sciences & Behaviors 2

Call for Papers

2013 2nd International Conference on Psychological Sciences and Behaviors – ICPSB 2013 is the premiere forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Psychological Sciences and Behaviors. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Abnormal psychology                                              Applied Cognitive Psychology 
Applied Social Psychology                                      Artificial Intelligence and Robotics 
Behavior and Motor Control                              Biological psychology 
Biologically Motivated Computer Vision  Brain Science and Education 
Cells and Synapses  Clinical and Counseling Psychology 
Clinical Neuropsychology  Clinical psychology 
Cognition and Action  Cognition and Cognitive Development 
Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory and Cognition  Cognitive psychology 
Computational Neuroscience  Counseling psychology 
Cross-cultural and indigenous psychology  Developmental psychology 
Environmental psychology  Experimental psychology 
Forensic psychology  Gender and sexuality 
Genes, Molecules, Channels and Receptors  Language and Conceptual Systems 
Learning Complex Motor Tasks  Learning, Memory and Neural Development 
Medical psychology and psychotherapy  Memory and Thought 
Metaphors in Language and Thought  Military and forensic psychology 
Neural Theory of Language and Thought  Neurobiology 
Neurobioloy of Disease  Neuropsychological Studies of Mind and Brain 
Perception and Attention  Perceptual Organization in Vision 

Positive Psychology  Psycho-diagnostics 

Psychological research methodology  Sensory Systems and Perception 

Spatial Cognition  Sport Psychology 
Traffic Psychology  Understanding Explanatory Coherence 
Health Enhancement: Biobehavioral Perspectives
Learning to code prosody and phonology  Psychology, Sport, and Health Promotion
Qualitative/observational methods and their analysis  
Resilience: Children, Families and Communities Social cognition 
Social Learning and Systems Approaches to Marriage and the Family
State of the Art in Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Stress: Vulnerability and Resiliency
Suicide: Prediction, Prevention and Intervention Symbolic modeling

Introduction to Philosophy as it pertains to issues relevant to Cognitive Science

All papers for the ICPSB 2013 will be published in the IPEDR (ISSN: 2010-4626) as one volume, and will be included in the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, and indexed by EBSCO, WorldCat, Google Scholar, CNKI, Ulrich’s, Cross Ref and sent to be reviewed by ISI Proceedings.

Important Date

 Paper Submission (Full Paper)                                                    Before Feburary 25, 2013
 Notification of Acceptance                                                           On March 15, 2013
 Final Paper Submission                                                              
Before March 31, 2013
 Authors’ Registration                                                                  
Before March 31, 2013
 ICPSB 2013 Conference Dates                                                    June 15-16, 2013


Formatting Instructions (DOC)

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Submission System
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2. Email: ( .pdf
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