The following articles by Brains contributors were posted to PhilPapers during the months of November and December. Please let me know of any errors or omissions. – JS
Kenneth Aizawa & Carl Gillett (forthcoming). Multiple Realization and Methodology in Neuroscience and Psychology. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Marcus Arvan (forthcoming). A Better, Dual Theory of Human Rights. Philosophical Forum.
Stephan Blatti (forthcoming). Animalism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Edouard Machery (forthcoming). Pour une approche évolutionniste de la cognition animale, Étude critique de J. Proust, Les animaux pensent-ils ? Dialogue.
Mark Phelan (2014). Experimental Pragmatics: An Introduction for Philosophers. Philosophy Compass 9 (1):66-79.
Martin Roth (forthcoming). Ecstasy and Abnormal Happiness: The Two Main Syndromes Defined by Mayer-Gross. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 7 (4):317-322.
Adam Shriver (2014). The Asymmetrical Contributions of Pleasure and Pain to Subjective Well-Being. Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-19.