The Fifth Summer School in Cognitive Sciences : Web Science and the Mind
Organized by the UQAM Cognitive Science Institute in Montréal (Canada), from July 7th to 18th
Theme of the Summer Institute: Web Science and the Mind
This summer school will present a comprehensive overview of the interactions between the web and cognitive sciences, with topics ranging from social network analysis to distributed cognition and semantic web.
The Summer School will feature a poster session. Information about this poster session is available at: https://www.summer14.isc.uqam.
Registration for the Summer School is open (”Early Bird” Registration fees until May 9th).
Note that the lowest fee is for students that will attend the Summer School as a credited activity (worth 3 university credits). Details: https://www.summer14.isc.uqam.
Scholarships for travel, accomodation and/or registration will be available for students registered in a Quebec University (CREPUQ): https://www.summer14.isc.uqam.