Call for Nominations: 2014 Stanton Prize

Nominations are invited for the 2014 Stanton Prize, awarded annually to a young scholar who has made significant contributions to interdisciplinary research in philosophy, psychology and/or related disciplines, and who has been active in the Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SPP). Winners are chosen by the executive committee of the SPP. The Stanton award is endowed in honor of Harry and Betty Stanton of Bradford Books/MIT Press.

Winners are awarded $500, and deliver an award address at the annual SPP conference. The 2014 meeting will be held at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.

Nominations will be accepted until midnight (EST) on February 15, 2014, and should be
sent by email to

A complete nomination must include:

(A) From the Nominator:

An email from an SPP member in good standing stating that he or she nominates the candidate, including the full names of the candidate and of the nominator.

If the nominator prefers to remain anonymous, this may be specified in the nomination email, in which case the prize coordinator will contact the candidate to request the items in (B). Anonymous nominators must provide (A) and (C).

(B) From the Candidate:

An email stating (i) that they wish to be considered a candidate for the prize, (ii) that the nominating statement is accurate, and (iii) that they commit to attend this year’s meeting and give a talk if they are awarded the prize. The candidate’s full, current CV should be attached as a separate file (.doc or .pdf).

(C) From either the Nominator or the Candidate:

A brief statement of no more than 300 words describing: (i) the contributions of the candidate to interdisciplinary research in psychology and philosophy, or related disciplines (ii) the career stage of the candidate, and (iii) the candidate’s past participation in the SPP.

Eligibility: Anyone who has been active in SPP, and who conducts research in psychology, philosophy, and/or a related discipline may be nominated. Career stage will also be considered in the decision, with a preference for researchers early in their careers. Members of the executive committee of SPP are eligible to be nominated; any executive committee member who chooses to accept a nomination will not participate in the award decision.

Process: All complete nominations received by the deadline will be submitted to the executive committee of SPP. The winner will be chosen by vote.

Past winners:
2001 Kathleen Akins
2002 Paul Bloom
2003 Jesse Prinz
2004 David Chalmers
2005 Shaun Nichols
2006 Fei Xu
2007 John Doris
2008 Laurie Santos
2009 Josh Knobe
2010 Tania Lombrozo
2011 Adina Roskies
2012 Joshua Greene
2013 Edouard Machery

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