Call for Abstracts and Proposals: Australian Society for Cognitive Science

The Australasian Society for Cognitive Science invites all researchers and students in all the diverse disciplines of cognitive science to participate in the 10th conference of the Australasian Society for Cognitive Science.

December 8-10th 2014, Monash University, Caulfield Campus.

Sponsored by the Faculty of Arts, Monash University and by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Integrative Brain Function.


Natalie Sebanz (Central European University Budapest)
Harvey Whitehouse (University of Oxford)
Peter Bossaerts (University of Melbourne/Caltech)
Sally Andrews (University of Sydney)
Richard Menary (Macquarie University)

Call for papers/posters

Please submit abstracts to with subject line reading ‘ASCS abstract submission’. Abstract guidelines: Full contact details, all authors, 3 keywords, discipline (neuroscience, psychology, linguistics, philosophy etc.), indicate poster/talk preference, indicate if poster acceptance is ok if talk is preferred but not accepted, max. 200 word abstract. Deadline September 15th 2014

Call for symposia

Please submit proposals for symposia to with subject line reading ‘ASCS symposium submission’. Symposium proposal guidelines: Full contact details of main symposium proposer, names of 3 proposed speakers , 3 keywords, max. 200 word general description and motivation for symposium topic, max. 200 word abstract for each speaker. Proposals should seek to have speakers that are not from the same lab/department/university/discipline. Deadline September 15th 2014. There will be a limited number of symposia. There will also be a possibility of more informal themed streams in the concurrent sessions, please indicate if this is preferred. Multiple submissions: each person can only give one talk, please don’t submit multiple talks (submissions with multiple authors will be assessed on a case by case basis). Persons giving a talk will only have first-authored posters accepted if space permits (non-first-authored posters are permitted).

For details and registration, visit the conference website:

Postgraduate travel awards

Min. 4 awards of $300 each. Please indicate in your submission if you seek this and justify that your home institution is not covering costs. Winners to be determined on a needs basis.

Advisory committee
Jeroen van Boxtel (Monash), Bryan Paton (Monash), Monima Chadha (Monash), Peter Enticott (Deakin/Monash), Jakob Hohwy (Monash), John Michael (Copenhagen/Budapest), John Sutton (Macquarie), Michael Breakspear (Queensland Institute of Medical Research), Colin Klein (Macquarie), Olivia Carter (Melbourne), George van Doorn (Federation), Gary Egan (Monash), Jennifer Windt (Mainz/Monash).

Local organizing committee
Jakob Hohwy, Bryan Paton, Colin Palmer, Ryoji Sato, George van Doorn.

Main organiser
Jakob Hohwy; inquiries to

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