Call for Papers: SPP 2020

The Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SPP) invites submissions of papers to be presented at its 46th annual meeting to be held June 10-13 at Princeton University. June 10 will include a pre-conference workshop and an opening evening reception, with the main conference activities taking place on June 11-13.

Please submit an abstract of 750 words or less by December 7, 2019 in any area relevant to philosophy, psychology, or cognitive science. Submissions will be refereed and selected on the basis of quality and relevance to SPP. Abstracts should be written in a format appropriate for anonymous review and employ gender-neutral language. The submission site will not allow authors to upload figures; please submit text only. Individual authors may submit only one abstract as first author, but may be listed as co-authors on other submissions. During the submission process, you may indicate whether you would like your submission to be considered as an oral talk, a poster, or both.

Please submit abstracts via the submission site.

Questions about the conference program should be directed to the program co-chairs, Eric Mandelbaum and Larisa Heiphetz. Questions about local arrangements should be directed to the SPP 2020 President and local host, Tania Lombrozo.

See the meeting page for more information about the 2020 program and travel arrangements.

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