Final CFP: First Annual Philosophers’ Cocoon Philosophy Conference

Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting papers to present at the first annual Philosophers’ Cocoon Philosophy Conference (to be held at the University of Tampa from Friday October 18th-Sunday October 20th, 2013) is approaching. This conference will be unique in several respects:

Call for Proposals: Fordham University’s “Varieties of Understanding” Project

The Philosophy Department at Fordham University is pleased to announce its three-year “Varieties of Understanding” project.  The project will sponsor research in psychology, philosophy, and theology that will examine the various ways in which human beings understand the world, how these various types of understanding might be improved, and how …

Conference/CFA: “Thinking With Hands, Eyes and Things”

Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 1st International Avant-Conference 2013 8-10 November 2013, Torun, Poland The claim that both the body and the environment are involved in our experience of the world is a banal claim. However, the point is what a great role in our mental processes is played by the …

CFP: Mind, Brain, and Experience

I’ve been asked to assist in distributing this CFP: *** CALL FOR PAPERS *** “Mind, Brain, and Experience:At the Intersections of Philosophy, Science, and Medicine” April 10-11, 2008Denver, Colorado hosted by University of Colorado Denver Department of Philosophywith support  fromUniversity of Colorado President’s Fund for the HumanitiesandUniversity of Colorado Center …

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