Workshop: Experimental Philosophy of Consciousness

In just a little less than two weeks, New York City will be home to the second annual Experimental Philosophy Workshop. This year’s workshop will be highlighting research in the experimental philosophy of consciousness, with presentations by Shaun Nichols, Edouard Machery and Kurt Gray and commentaries by Alvin Goldman, David …

Knowing That P Without Believing That P

For those interested, Eric Schwitzgebel and I have been exploring the relationship between knowledge ascriptions and belief ascriptions.  We just finished a draft on this topic, which can be found here. Abstract: The standard view in contemporary epistemology is that knowledge entails belief. Proponents of this claim rarely offer a …

The Folk Concept of Happiness, Revisted

Dan Haybron’s recent post  on ‘The Folk Concept of Happiness’ brings up an interesting question that I think deserves some further discussion. Is people’s ordinary concept of happiness a purely psychological one, or is it wrapped up in some way with irreducibly normative or moral issues?  To address this question, …

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