Philosophical Explorations Virtual Special Issue on Self-Knowledge

The editors of Philosophical Explorations: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Mind and Action have recently put together a virtual special issue of articles on self-knowledge published in the journal during its first 15 years. Included are papers by Lisa Bortolotti, Thor Grünbaum, Andy Hamilton, Cynthia Macdonald, Catriona Mackenzie, Johannes Roessler, and …

Aliens versus Materialists (Part IV): Alien ninja minds to the rescue!

How could we cast suspicion on the semantic poverty thesis discussed in Part III? (Recall this is the view that ‘no amount of analysis, conjunction, or <insert your favorite semantic construction method here> applied to concepts about brain states will yield a concept about subjective experience as such.’). One way …

Calling for unpublished studies about free will, moral responsibility, and affect

Florian Cova and I are working on finishing up a meta-analysis about the role affect plays in free will and moral responsibility judgments. We are examining the effect first identified by Nichols and Knobe 2007 ( We are hoping to include studies that some of you have done but have …

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