Call for Papers – Workshop on “Cognition in Groups”, May 31 2017 in Milan
Center for the Study of Social Action, University of Milan, Via Festa del Perdono, 7, 20122 Milano, Italy.
Deadline for submissions: March 15, 2017
Confirmed speakers: Giulia Piredda (Pavia), Kourken Michaelian (Dunedin), Giuliano Torrengo (Milan)
The scientific debate of individual cognition and its relation to (mental) action and society has a long tradition. More recently, philosophers and cognitive scientists have approached the peculiarities of cognition in groups from various angles, addressing questions like: What is ‘cognition in groups’? Is there something like a ‘group mind’ or ‘socially extended mind’? What is special about being engaged in mental actions in a group together with other agents opposed to being engaged in the same kinds of action individually? What does mental action and mental agency come to in groups? What is the interrelation between group cognition and social ontology? To which extent does the existence of institutions and social facts depend on cognition in groups?
This workshop aims at continuing the debate by addressing questions like these and shedding new light on ‘cognition in groups’ from various angels. If you would like to attend the conference actively with giving a talk, please prepare a 200-word abstract plus title suitable for blind-review and send it by March 15 2017 with the subject line “Submission: Cognition in Groups” to . The abstracts will be reviewed by April 1 2017.
For more information about the CFP and the abstracts of the confirmed speakers, please visit our website: