Consciousness and Inner Awareness
Special Issue of The Review of Philosophy and Psychology
It is generally agreed that consciousness provides subjects with an ‘outer awareness’ of their environment. More controversial is the claim that consciousness also provides subjects with an ‘inner awareness’ of their own conscious experience. Understanding the relationship between consciousness and inner awareness has increasingly been recognised as a crucial target for consciousness research. Submissions are invited for a Thematic Issue of the Review of Philosophy and Psychology on the subject of consciousness and inner awareness. Possible topics include, though are not limited to, the following:
1. Inner Awareness as Essential to Consciousness
Do we always have an inner awareness of our concurrent conscious state? Are there good reasons to believe that inner awareness is essential to consciousness rather than a contingent feature of our experiences? How exactly should inner awareness be characterised and what is its relationship with outer awareness? Is inner awareness a representational relation, and what would this mean for the representational structure of experience?
2. The Sense of Mineness as Essential to Inner Awareness
When we are aware of our concurrent experience, are we aware of it as our own? Are there good reasons to believe that this ‘sense of mineness’ is an essential feature of inner awareness? What exactly is the sense of mineness and how does it figure in experience? What is the relationship between the phenomenology of experiential ownership, of bodily ownership and of agential ownership?
3. Inner Awareness and Disorders of Consciousness
What can disorders of experience teach us about the relationship between consciousness and inner awareness? For instance, should ‘blindsight’ subjects be regarded as having conscious visual experiences without an inner awareness of that experience?
Guest Editors
Dr Tom McClelland (University of Manchester)
Dr Jonathan Farrell (University of Manchester)
Invited Contributors
Prof. Uriah Kriegel (Institut Jean Nicod)
Dr. Nick Medford (University of Sussex)
Prof. Morten Overgaard (Aarhus University and Aalborg University)
Prof. Martine Nida-Rümelin (University of Friborg)
Submission Deadline: May 1st 2015
How to submit
Prospective authors should register at: https://www.editorialmanager. com/ropp to obtain a login and select “Consciousness and Inner Awareness” as an article type. Manuscripts should be approximately 8,000 words. Submissions should follow the author guidelines available on the journal’s website philosophy/journal/13164.
For any queries, please email: jonathan.farrell@manchester.