CFP: Origins of Logical Reasoning

Call for Papers/Abstracts
Workshop: Origins of Logical Reasoning
York University, Toronto
May 5–6, 2016

The ability to reason logically is central to most philosophical conceptions of human thought. But are humans the only ones capable of logical reasoning? What are the phylogenetic and ontogenetic origins of logical reasoning? And how do the answers to these questions bear on our philosophical understanding of human thought? This workshop aims to advance our understanding of these issues by bringing together an interdisciplinary group of researchers to discuss their approaches and findings.

Josep Call, School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of St Andrews
Susan Carey, Department of Psychology, Harvard University
Hayley Clatterbuck, Department of Philosophy, University of Rochester
Christopher Peacocke, Department of Philosophy, Columbia University
Michael Rescorla, Department of Philosophy, University of California at Santa Barbara

Up to two additional speaking slots are reserved for young scholars (operationally defined as anyone who had not earned a Ph.D. as of January 1, 2011), to be filled on a competitive basis. Authors of selected submissions will have their travel costs reimbursed up to CAD $1,000. Philosophers who are young scholars are asked to submit papers not to exceed 3,000 words. Psychologists and other scientists who are young scholars are asked to submit an extended abstract not to exceed 1,500 words.Submissions should be single-spaced, blinded, and emailed to with the subject line “Workshop Submission.” PDFs preferred. Please include an abstract of no more than 150 words. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their quality, relevance, and fit with the rest of the program. Deadline for Submissions: February 1, 2016. Every effort will be made to notify authors of the outcome of the review process by early March. Questions should be directed to Jacob Beck ( or Kristin Andrews (

This event is generously supported by York University’s Department of Philosophy, Cognitive Science Program, and Department of Psychology.


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