Congratulations are due to long-time Brains blog contributor Marcin Milkowski, who was awarded the 2015 Herbert A. Simon Award for Outstanding Research in Computing and Philosophy by the International Association for Computing and Philosophy.
Marcin is associate professor in the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and a managing editor of Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki (Philosophical-Literary Review). From 2005 to 2011, he served on the executive board of the Center for Philosophical Research, a new, independent scientific organization that includes philosophers and scholars in humanities.
Marcin wrote his dissertation Konstrukcja umysłu. Intuicje zdrowego rozsądku a naturalizm w filozofii umysłu Daniela Dennetta (“Mind Design. Common-sense intuitions vs. naturalism in Daniel Dennett’s philosophy of mind”) under the supervision of Jacek Hołówka in Institute of Philosophy at Warsaw University. He received habilitation in Poland on the basis of his 2013 book Explaining the Computational Mind (MIT Press).
Marcin will give the Simon Award Keynote Address at IACAP 2016 June 14-17, University of Ferrara, Italy. Please join us in congratulating him on this well-deserved award.