In the coming weeks before the Minds Online Conference begins on August 31, we’ll feature posts about new books from two authors who are very well known to readers of this blog, as well as our first Neuroethics symposium:
- During the week of August 10, the founder of the Brains blog, Gualtiero Piccinini, will discuss Physical Computation: A Mechanistic Account, new from Oxford University Press.
- During the week of August 17, contributing editor Kristina Musholt will discuss Thinking About Oneself: From Nonconceptual Content to the Concept of a Self, new from The MIT Press.
- And during the week of August 24 we will host a symposium on “Moral Enhancement: Do Means Matter Morally?” by Farah Focquaert and Maartje Schermer, from the August 2015 issue of Neuroethics, with commentaries by Justin Caouette, Simon Gaus, and Elizabeth Shaw.
Remember that you can check our calendar, and follow Brains on Facebook and Twitter, to keep up with these and other upcoming events.