CFP: e-Learning in Dialogue

2nd CFP: e-Learning in Dialogue: Innovative Teaching and Learning in Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies.

* The Subject Centre for Philosophical and Religious Studies (PRS) is organising an international two-day conference, ‘e-Learning in Dialogue: Innovative Teaching and Learning in Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies’ to be held in York on May 14th-15th 2008.

* Background to the conference

The conference will discuss ways to apply, embed and enhance e-learning in our disciplines.

In particular, dialogue has been frequently discussed as a major challenge for e-learning in the humanities (and especially in philosophy, HPS, theology and religious studies). This conference will attempt to challenge this view, by presenting papers and workshops on current methods of embedding dialogue through the use of technology in teaching and learning, and showcasing innovative developments in this area.

* Call for papers deadline

Academics in the relevant disciplines with an interest in the enrichment of teaching practice through innovations in technology-enabled teaching and learning are invited to submit proposals for papers or workshops by January 31st 2008.

* Suggested areas for discussion

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

1. The role and value of dialogical forms of teaching and learning in PRS.

2. The meaning of ‘dialogue’ in teaching and learning in PRS. What is the optimum number of learners involved in an effective dialogue? What are the prerequisites for an effective and successful PRS teaching and learning dialogue? What are the limitations of such a dialogue?

3. State-of-the-art technological innovations in e-teaching and e-learning: how can dialogical forms of teaching and learning be applied using these innovations?

4. Power, freedom and dialogue in e-learning. What do we mean by ‘e-learning in dialogue’ and ‘dialogical e-learning’, in terms of forms and methodologies of pedagogy and adoption of appropriate learning and teaching technology? What are the aims and intended outcomes of ‘e-learning in dialogue’ and ‘dialogical e-learning’?

5. The use of (personalised) VLEs and how they can facilitate and enhance online dialogue.

6. The role of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 technologies and methodologies in terms of optimising ‘e-learning in dialogue’.

7. Methods of embedding Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 technologies in course design and delivery.

* Format

Please submit an outline of your paper or workshop (maximum 300 words).

Papers should last no longer than 20 minutes, with discussion time to follow.

Workshops should be designed to last approximately 1 hour.

* Publication of conference proceedings

It is envisaged that the papers and workshop presentations from the conference will be published in a volume of proceedings, in electronic format and in print where appropriate.

* More information about the conference

The conference will include presentations and lectures from leading figures in e-learning in the humanities (from the UK and other European countries), who will present both traditional and pioneering approaches to e-learning.

In addition to discipline-specific sessions, there will be a more broadly focused humanities session, designed in collaboration with the Subject Centre for History, Classics and Archaeology. There will also be specialised workshops providing a hands-on approach to e-learning and allowing participants to confront the challenges of transferring a traditional approach to dialogue in the humanities to a VLE platform and other forms of e-learning.

* Confirmed speakers/workshop organisers so far include:

Professor Luciano Floridi (Oxford), Professor Dory Scaltsas (Edinburgh), Professor Richard Andrews (York), Professor Livio Rossetti (Perugia, Italy), Dr Deirdre Burke (Wolverhampton), Dr Gary Bunt (Lampeter, Wales), Dr. Annamaria Carusi (Oxford), Dr Steven J. Green (Leeds), Dr David Hunter (Ulster), Mr George MacDonald Ross (Leeds), Dr Jo Smedley and Dr Sharon Waller (HEA-JISC Collaboration Team).

* Further information

More information can be found on our website, at:

To discuss potential proposals, find out more about the conference or other e-learning activities, or to register, please contact:

Dr. Constantinos Athanasopoulos, FHEA
e-Learning Project Officer
Subject Centre for Philosophical and Religious Studies
Phone: 0113 343 7080
Skype and Messenger: Constantinos Athanasopoulos

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