Rethinking Biological Functions

Mindcraft is a series of opinion posts on current issues in cognitive science by Brains Blog founder Gualtiero Piccinini. Do you agree? Disagree? Please contribute on the discussion board below! If you’d like to write a full-length response, please contact editor Dan Burnston. Rethinking Biological Functions: A Goal-Contribution Approach and Its Systemic Implications Hanzhe …

Recent Progress on Explaining Intentionality

Mindcraft is a series of opinion posts on current issues in cognitive science by Brains Blog founder Gualtiero Piccinini. Do you agree? Disagree? Please contribute on the discussion board below! If you’d like to write a full-length response, please contact editors Dan Burnston and Nick Byrd. Recent Progress on Explaining Intentionality Gualtiero Piccinini Cross-posted …

Call for Abstracts: First Annual Web Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of the Sciences of the Mind

What is the mind, and how does it work? Centuries of philosophical and scientific investigation have shown that these questions are too big to be tackled once and for all with a single explanatory endeavor. The magnitude of this pursuit has necessitated a multidisciplinary approach: several disciplinary fields have tackled …

Why Neuroscience Refutes the Language of Thought

The contemporary (Fodor-style) Language of Thought (LOT) hypothesis (not to be confused with Sellars’s reasonable hypothesis that some neural processes are somewhat analogous to linguistic episodes) is that many cognitive capacities widespread within the animal kingdom, such as perception, navigation, or caching, are explained by processing language-like representations like those …

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