September 24 – 26, 2009
Lord Nelson Hotel
Halifax • Nova Scotia • Canada
Re: Call for Abstracts – Brain Matters: New Directions in Neuroethics
This conference will bring together new and established researchers from around the world with a complementary range of expertise in ethics, neuroscience, philosophy of mind, medicine, history, social studies, law and policy, to critically examine a wide range of issues in neuroethics.The Conference Abstract Committee invites proposals for oral presentations, panel presentations, and posters that reflect the diversity of philosophies, disciplines, and methodologies relating to new directions in the field of neuroethics.
Trainee Award Abstract Competition – Up to 15 monetary awards will be given to trainees whose abstracts for an Oral Presentation or Poster Presentation have been accepted by the Abstracts Committee. Awards will be made on the basis of merit.
The deadline is March 1, 2009 and more details including the submission forms are available on the conference website:
Selected conference papers will be published in The American Journal of Bioethics, Neuroethics and the Journal of Ethics and Mental Health.