This is a reminder that submissions for the first annual Minds Online Conference, which will be held at the Brains blog next September, are due on February 15. To submit your work, please visit
The conference will feature invited talks by Tony Jack (Department of Cognitive Science, Case Western Reserve University), Karen Neander (Departments of Philosophy and Linguistics, Duke University), and Nico Orlandi (Department of Philosophy, University of California, Santa Cruz).
The organizers encourage the submission of papers on topics in the philosophy of mind broadly construed, including related matters in epistemology, the philosophy of action, the philosophy of science, moral psychology, and more. Special consideration will be given to papers that engage with research in experimental disciplines such as psychology and neuroscience.
The conference will comprise several week-long sessions, each organized loosely around some common theme. Each paper will be accompanied by a short audio or audiovisual introduction, two written commentaries, and a reply by the author. There will then be opportunity for further discussion on the blog, in which authors and commentators are expected to participate.
Submitted papers of approximately 3,500-7,500 words should be prepared for anonymous review, and accompanied by several keywords and a substantial abstract of about 500 words.
Please contact mindsonlineconference@gmail.
We look forward to your submissions, and hope you will participate in the event!
– The organizers: Cameron Buckner (Houston), Nick Byrd (Florida State), and John Schwenkler (Florida State)