The Brains Blog Is Partnering With Neural Mechanisms Online

The Brains Blog is proud to announce our partnership with Neural Mechanisms Online! Long-time readers will remember our Minds Online conferences of 2015, 2016, and 2017. As the Brains team stepped back from annual conferences, Neural Mechanisms Online (NMO) became a new source for free, live, online exchanges between philosophers of mind and other cognitive scientists. They have provided both annual conferences as well as seasonal webinar series—and they were doing this long before the COVID19 pandemic made it cool. To encourage this valuable work and community, we will continue to announce new events from NMO. Keep an eye out for co-hosted content in the future.

In the meantime, you can find out more about Neural Mechanisms Online via the following:

Thanks to Marco Viola, Fabrizio Cazavarini, and the rest of the Neural Mechanisms team for reinvigorating philosophy’s tradition of online conferencing!

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