We’re excited to release the second of seven sets of videos from “A Beginner’s Guide To Neural Mechanisms” — a joint project with Neural Mechanisms Online. These and the other six sets of videos are from experts in Cognitive Science, each released on a Friday this semester. Our experts will help us understand topics like Neurophilosophy, Morality, Memory, Folk Psychology, Neurometrics, and Modeling. The experts have helpfully broken up their hour-ish presentation into 3-5 chunks. You can find the full list of videos, presenters, and links to scheduled videos over at the Neural Mechanisms Online page that we linked to at the beginning of this paragraph. Today’s videos from Dr. Adina Roskies are embedded below.
This project was made possible by a subaward from the Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy (SSNAP) at Duke University with funding from the Templeton World Charity Foundation.