Rethinking Functions: The Role of Selection

By Hanzhe Dong and Gualtiero Piccinini


What are biological functions, and how should we think about them? This question has been controversial in the philosophy of biology (and technology).

The Selected Effects (SE) account ties (teleological) functions to selection history, asserting that a trait’s teleofunction F is an activity it was selected for—typically, the idea is that a trait was selected for because its performing F enhanced fitness in (recent) ancestors. By contrast, the Goal-Contribution Account (GCA) defines teleofunctions as traits’ regular contributions to an organisms’ biological goals, such as survival, reproduction, development, and helping (Piccinini 2020, Ch. 3).

In recent Brains Blog posts, Hundertmark et al. offer a thoughtful defense of SE and critique of GCA. They argue that selection is inescapable for understanding teleofunctions. While we acknowledge that selection plays an important role in explaining how teleofunctions stabilize and evolve, we will argue that GCA (along with systemic-organismic accounts, which are compatible with GCA) accounts for the core notion of function in biology and other disciplines. Therefore, GCA provides a more foundational framework for understanding functions. Below, we explore this debate by addressing three points: malfunction and normativity, the boundaries of functional attribution, and novel traits and artifacts.

Malfunction and Normativity

The Critique: Hundertmark et al. argue that GCA struggles with systemic dysfunctions and normativity. They present two cases:

  1. Pandemic Dysfunction: When a systemic issue (e.g., pneumonia) prevents most lungs in a population from oxygenating blood, GCA supposedly implies that lungs lose their teleofunction entirely because they are no longer contributing regularly to survival.
  2. Pandemic Futile Functioning: Traits often depend on other systemic factors to contribute to biological goals (e.g., eyes require a functioning body). If systemic failure prevents these contributions, Hundertmark et al. argue that GCA undermines the normative aspect of functions, potentially failing to maintain the distinction between what a trait does and what it ought to do.

According to them, SE avoids these problems because it grounds normativity in selection history. A trait retains its teleofunction under SE regardless of current performance or systemic disruptions.

Our Response: Addressing pandemic dysfunction and futile functioning requires the more careful formulation provided Garson and Piccinini (2014). Here we will paraphrase Garson and Piccinini (2014) using language from Piccinini (2020). Strictly speaking, teleofunctions are those regular contributions to goals of organisms (within a reference class) that traits make when they do contribute to those organisms’ goals. To see what a trait’s teleofunctions FF are, we must observe well-functioning tokens of those traits when they do contribute regularly to organisms’ goals—i.e., under appropriate conditions (which do not include pandemics, of course). Since even during pandemics it remains the case that, were those traits to contribute to organisms’ goals, they would do so by performing FF, FF remain their teleofunctions. In other words, traits retain their teleofunctions even when they generally fail to perform them, as during cases of pandemic dysfunction.

Take the lungs during a pneumonia pandemic. Even if widespread dysfunction prevents most lungs from oxygenating blood, their teleofunction persists because the normativity of functions is tied to the biological goal of oxygenation. Similarly, eyes retain their function to convert light into electrical signals, even if systemic failures render this futile for survival.

Hundertmark et al. appear to assume that GCA ties normativity directly to performance under all circumstances, but this is not the case. Teleofunctions persist as long as the underlying capacity exists. As Garson and Piccinini (2014) explain, GCA capture this dispositional aspect of functions​.

What Counts as a Function?

The Critique: Hundertmark et al. argue that GCA lacks clear criteria for distinguishing functions from incidental effects:

  1. Frequency and Reliability: They claim that GCA’s reliance on “regular contributions” is ambiguous, particularly for rare but essential functions like sperm fertilization.
  2. Incidental Effects: They imply that GCA might be unable to exclude incidental benefits (e.g., body heat produced as a byproduct of neural activity contributing to warmth in cold environments) because these effects sometimes contribute to survival.

SE resolves these issues, they argue, by tying teleofunctions to past selection, which provides a clear boundary between functions and incidental effects.

Our Response: GCA distinguishes functions from incidental effects based on regular contributions to biological goals, not selection.

  1. Frequency and Reliability: GCA accommodates teleofunctions that are rarely performed, like sperm fertilization, in the same way that it accommodates functions during pandemic diseases. As Garson and Piccinini put it, “even though the unconditional probability of a sperm’s fertilizing an ovum is low, the conditional probability that a sperm fertilizes an ovum, given that it is contributing to survival or inclusive fitness, is extremely high. That is, on those occasions in which the sperm contribute to survival or inclusive fitness, it is very likely that they do so by fertilizing the ova” (Garson and Piccinini 2014, 6).
  2. Incidental Effects: GCA excludes incidental effects by focusing on contributions that are regular enough. Hair does not have the function of slowing bullets because this effect does not reliably or systematically contribute to survival or reproduction. What is regular enough? Previous formulations leave this vague, and that may well be ok. But one possible way to define what counts as a contribution to organisms’ goals that is “regular enough” to count as a teleofunction is based on whether natural selection could act on it. If an effect is regular and impactful enough that natural selection could act on it, then it’s a teleofunction. This way of drawing the boundary does appeal to selection, but the role selection plays is the reverse of the role it plays in SE accounts. SE accounts claim that an effect is a function because it was selected for. GCA claims that an effect can be selected for because it’s a function.

In sum, GCA’s focus on regular contributions to biological goals provides clear enough boundaries for functional attribution without resorting to selection history.

Novel Traits and Artifacts

The Critique: Hundertmark et al. claim that SE can account for the functions of novel traits or artifacts:

  1. Novel Traits: They argue that typically, novel traits arise gradually within an existing lineage. Thus, SE’s stepwise selection process, which links novel traits to ancestral functions, ascribes functions to (gradual) mutations. If a trait is so novel that it has not been selected for, they say, it lacks teleofunctions altogether.
  2. Artifacts: They also suggest that artifacts, such as beaver dams or chimpanzee tools, may require a different account of teleofunctions from biological traits. Either way, they also argue that SE can account for artifact functions in terms of selection.

Our Response: These are good points, but GCA remains better positioned to account for the core notion of teleofunction of novel traits and artifacts.

  1. Novel Traits: Mutations are often gradual, but they don’t have to be. In addition, novel and often beneficial traits can be acquired by an organism not via selection but via other processes. Consider horizontal gene transfer. There are three kinds of horizontal gene transfer: transformation (acquiring DNA from the environment), conjugation (acquiring DNA from another organism), and transduction (acquiring DNA from a virus that, in turn, acquired it from another organism). While the novel gene that an organism acquires may have its own selection history, the organism that receives the gene acquires a beneficial trait by means other than selection. This shows that selection is not necessary for teleofunction. Novel traits have teleofunctions insofar as they contribute reliably to biological goals. For instance, if a bacterium receives a gene from another bacterium that allows it to resist antibiotics, this antibiotic-resistance function exists immediately because it supports survival—regardless of how the bacterium acquired the gene or whether the gene was selected for. SE’s stepwise explanation is an important part of the story but it’s not the whole story. In the most basic sense, teleofunctions arise from traits’ contributions to goals, whether or not they were selected for​. After they come into being, teleofunctions are often selected for, precisely because they are beneficial to organisms (Piccinini 2020, Ch. 3).
  2. Artifacts: Many artifacts are selected for in ways that resemble natural selection. For instance, consumers within a relatively free marketplace select products of a given type based at least in part on how well the products perform and, as a result, some companies continue to make copies of their products while other companies go out of business and their products stop being made. So, artifact selection can account for the existence and proliferation of some artifacts at the expense of others in a way that parallels the explanation of evolution by natural selection. But novel artifacts can be created from scratch, and novel features can be added to existing artifacts. Those novel artifacts and features often have desirable effects, which fulfill their users’ goals. GCA assigns teleofunctions to such artifacts and features regardless of how they come about. They might have come about because their inventors “selected them” in their own conscious mind but they might also have come about because their inventors designed them without any conscious “selection” process, copied some other artifact (analogously to horizontal gene transfer), created them by trial and error, or even created them by accident. In the end, the story of how a novel artifact or artifact feature came about does not change whether it provides a regular contribution to its users’ goals. If it does, that regular contribution is its teleofunction.

In short, both biological traits and artifacts can be selected for precisely because their teleofunctions are there in the first place, and GCA can account for that. Selection is a very important part of the story of how functions become stabilized, refined, and evolve, but it’s not the whole story.

Conclusion: A Pluralistic Perspective

While selection is not necessary to define and account for teleofunctions in their core sense, we agree with Hudertmark et al. that there are multiple useful notions of function, at least one of which involves selected effects. Teleofunctions exist insofar as traits contribute regularly to organisms’ goals. Selection can act on these traits, ensuring their persistence, refinement, and evolution across generations. Thus, selection is an important part of the explanation of why many traits (and artifacts) come to be where they are. It is legitimate to define a notion of “function” (aka adaptation) stronger than the goal-contribution notion, a notion that entails that an effect was selected for.

For example, the heart’s teleofunction to pump blood exists because it supports survival and development. Selection stabilizes and refines this function by favoring traits that perform it well. As Garson and Piccinini (2014) argue, teleofunctions are primary, and selection explains their evolutionary persistence​. That said, pumping blood is surely an adaptation, and it’s ok to imply that it is when claiming that it’s the function of the heart.

In the end, GCA and SE can coexist as accounts of different notions of function. GCA provides a robust framework for understanding teleofunctions in the core sense, emphasizing regular contributions to biological goals. SE enriches this picture by explaining how traits stabilize and evolve over time, becoming adaptations. By integrating both perspectives, we achieve a richer understanding of the complexity of biological functions.


Piccinini, Gualtiero & Garson, Justin (2014). Functions Must Be Performed at Appropriate Rates in Appropriate Situations. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 65 (1):1-20.

Piccinini, G. (2020). Neurocognitive mechanisms: Explaining biological cognition. Oxford University Press.


  1. Gualtiero Piccinini

    I’d like to thank Fabian Hundertmark, Jakob Roloff, and Francesca Bellazzi for engaging with the goal contribution account (GCA) of biological functions. Their helpful comments pushed us to clarify some aspects of the GCA in several ways that were not explicit in our original post.

  2. Fabian Hundertmark

    I thank Hanzhe Dong and Gualtiero Piccinini for their detailed and informative reply. Do I understand the theory correctly as follows?

    GCA: Traits of type T in organisms of reference class RC have the function to φ iff traits of type T by φ-ing would contribute to the biological goals of RC regularly enough that T could be positively selected.

    First, a dialectical point: if this is the idea, then selection is indeed inescapable. Interestingly, it also follows that only things that could be subject to selection processes have teleofunctions. (Although you say “natural selection” in the reply, this would no doubt have to be adapted for artifacts and the cases that motivate Justin’s GSE – synaptic connections, behavioral dispositions, etc.).

    Second, do I understand correctly that, according to GCA, no trait token of a type actually needs to Φ for traits of that type to have the function to Φ?
    If so, this would solve the problem of pandemic dysfunction. But it would also have the strange consequence that we would have to assign functions to traits they cannot perform in principle. For all that is required for something to have the function to Φ is that Φ-ing would allow the trait to be positively selected. (A womb, for example, would have the function of releasing mature eggs because doing so would contribute to biological goals.
    If not (that is, if some traits of a type must still do Φ and thus serve biological goals), the pandemic problems are not solved. Furthermore, the resulting version of GCA would have the strange consequence that most traits of a type suddenly become dysfunctional as soon as an improved trait of the same type appears.
    Or am I missing something here?

    A comment on horizontal gene transfer: Doesn’t DNA (acquired from the environment, another organism, or a virus) have a selection history? And if so, how does that help your argument? After all, the SE theory can still refer to a selection history here.

    One comment about artifacts: Although it is a bit simplistic, it is in the genes of beavers to build dams (just as it is in the genes of spiders to build webs). So, in this case, there is, of course, no reason to assign special artifact functions. The cases we had in mind are artifact functions that result from intentional planning.

  3. Jordi Galiano-Landeira

    First of all, I would like to thank both parts for engaging in this interesting discussion. I also wanted to mention that I am recently new in the topic and I am sure doing mistaken assumptions. However, I wanted to share my humble opinion on the topic.

    In a similar vein to the egg-chicken paradox, I believe that GCA accounts for a primary framework for teleofunctions, while SE accounts for a secondary framework that supervenes the GCA: reproduction and fitness of the descendence is something that can also be understood in GCA terms, while SE is not teleological per se, just embodied in a system that is teleodynamic (e.g., a living organism). Thus, I believe that a GCA teleofunction needs to exist in order to be selected afterwards, as selection focuses on the effect of the function in the fitness of the organism, simplistically. In this way, I subscribe to Dong and Piccinini pluralistic position.

    Besides that, I also wanted to share my opinion about the artifacts, as in the discussion seems that only GCA can produce artifacts (i.e., side-effects) that can have functions. I would say here that something similar happens in SE. Some structures/functions are selected not because its positive effect on the fitness of the individual, but because it is systemically (i.e., a subfunction within a subset of functions in which one is selected) or genetically linked (i.e., a group of genes are commonly transferred altogether), it will also be selected. So, it seems to me, that SE can also account for this type of artifacts.

    Again, thank you for your discussion and I hope my argument/intuitions are well-understood!

    • Fabian Hundertmark

      Thanks for your input.

      Regarding the chicken-and-egg paradox, do I understand your reasoning correctly that you think there must be GCA functions and that these are primary since SE functions presuppose their existence?
      My thoughts on this: CGA sceptics can certainly concede that GCA picks out real properties. Of course, SE theory also assumes that traits have effects or dispositions that are useful in that they can contribute to biological goals and thus contribute to their own positive selection. Nevertheless, sceptics of GCA may deny that these properties are functions. They can do this, for example, by showing that they do not capture paradigmatic examples, the role of teleofunctions in philosophy/biology/medicine/cognitive science, the distinction between functions and side effects, and the distinction between well-functioning and dysfunctional traits.
      Thus, if one advocates GCA (or even SE) as part of a pluralist theory, one must specify the contexts in which such functions play a role, from which it follows that certain counterexamples do not work, or certain adequacy conditions do not play a role. It is not enough to point out that these properties exist or that SE theory presupposes them.

      Unfortunately, I don’t understand the point about artefacts. Could you please explain it again?

      • Jordi Galiano-Landeira

        Thank you for your answer.

        Regarding the first question, I think you understood it well. Without entering in the debate of defining a function, it seems to me somehow unavoidable that a property or disposition is going to have some degree of function due to the inherent teleology of living organisms. Like, a property or disposition might be good, bad, or neutral for the fitness of the organism, but in any case it needs to be ‘used’ for that fitness. I might be a bit too naive, but my intuition brings me there.

        Regarding the second question, I wanted to highlight that SE might also present some artifacts during the process of selection. Some genetic structures are selected not because its positive effect on the fitness of the individual, but because they are systemically (i.e., an allele that has no fitness benefit but it participates in a whole system of interconnected genetic structures with fitness benefit) or genetically linked (i.e., a group of genes are commonly transferred altogether, which means that an allele with neutral or even negative fitness might be selected because it is structurally/location-wise linked to another different gene with an allele being selected). So, it seems to me, that SE can also account for this type of artifacts.

        I hope it reads better now!

        • Fabian Hundertmark

          Okay, I think I see what you mean. The first point, for example, also seems to be reflected in saying that traits fulfill certain functions because of their dispositions, because they perform certain tasks. (Just as a laptop can fulfill the function of a paperweight, a bag the function of a doorstop, or a Bible in a vest pocket the function of a bulletproof vest.) This is true, of course, but, as already indicated, it does not seem to me to be the sense of “function” that GCA and SE theory are trying to capture.

          I now understand the second point much better! (Of course, I was thinking about artifacts all along, in the sense of “objects purposefully created by animals”, since these were the focus of the blog posts). I’m not an expert on artifacts in the sense you’re talking about, but I would think that in the case of systemically linked genetic structures, SE theory could indeed ascribe functions. In the case of genetically linked structures, on the other hand, it seems to me that they have been positively selected, but not because they have certain effects. Therefore, SE theory would not ascribe functions in these cases.

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