Repost: Final Call for Papers! Consciousness and Moral Cognition in RoPP

Submissions for a special issue of the Review of Philosophy and
Psychology on consciousness attribution in moral cognition are due at the
end of this month. The list of invited authors includes: Kurt Gray
(Maryland) and Chelsea Schein (Maryland), Anthony I.
Jack (Case Western Reserve) and Philip Robbins (Missouri), Edouard
Machery (Pittsburgh) and Justin Sytsma (East Tennessee State), and Liane
Young (Boston College).

Submissions are due March 31, 2012.

The full CFP, including relevant dates and submission details, is available on RoPP’s website.

Call for Papers:  When people regard other entities as objects
of ethical concern whose interests must be taken into account in moral
deliberations, does the attribution of consciousness to these entities
play an essential role in the process? In
recent years, philosophers and psychologists have begun to sketch
limited answers to this general question. However, much progress remains
to be made. We invite contributions to a special issue of The Review of
Philosophy and Psychology on the role of consciousness
attribution in moralcognition from researchers working in fields
including developmental, evolutionary, perceptual, and social
psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and philosophy.

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