Rockefeller Prize

Next deadline: November 1, 2011



This prize began as a 5-year series of annual awards, funded by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation (1984-1988). In 1993, the Rockefeller Foundation gave its approval for the revival of this prize, which is awarded for the best unpublished article-length work in philosophy by a non-academically affiliated philosopher. The winner’s work will be published in The Journal of Value Inquiry, by mutual agreement of the author and the editors of the journal.


Process: The winning entry is selected by a committee appointed by the Chair of the APA’s Committee on Lectures, Publications, and Research, in consultation with LPR committee members.


Frequency: Every two years (even years)


Award Amount: $1,000


Last Award: 2010


Next Award: 2012


Submissions procedures


The APA invites members who have no permanent academic affiliation to participate in this competition for the best unpublished paper-length work in philosophy. To qualify, one may in fact be teaching at a university in a part-time or a full-time temporary position as long as one also meets the following requirements: Authors must not hold a full-time position at an institution of higher education in philosophy that continues beyond the end of the current academic year, nor may they have held such a position within the last three years. The author must hold a Ph.D. in philosophy or its equivalent at the time of submission, and must be a current member of the APA in good standing. Professors emeriti are not eligible. Previous winners of this prize are not eligible.


Submissions must be unpublished at the time of submission* and must be prepared neatly and legibly, and with all references which would identify the author removed. Submissions must be no more than 40 double-spaced pages in length. Please submit (electronically) the work to be considered, together with your current CV to: Linda Nuoffer ( The deadline for the 2012 award is November 1, 2011.


Reviewing will be blind. The prize amount is $1,000. Co-authors of a winning submission, or authors of winning submissions judged to be equal in merit, will share equally in the prize. The prize will be announced in the Proceedings and Addresses, and it is expected (but not required) the winning submission will be published in The Journal of Value Inquiry.


*The manuscript may be under review at a journal, or may be sent out for review after submission.


Previous awardees


2010 Dr. Kristoffer Ahlstrom for “What Descartes Didn’t Know”

2008 Glen Hoffmann for “Truth, Superassertability, and Conceivability”

2006 Professor Jessica Wiskus for “Depth-Light-Being: Mythical Time and the Musical Idea through Merleau- Ponty.”

2004 Professor Brian Ribeiro for “Skeptical Parasitism and the Continuity Argument.”

2002 — Two awardees (1) Dr. Matthew McCormick for “Another Look at Kant’s Subjective Deduction” and

(2) Dr. A. Minh Nguyen for “Davidson on First-Person Authority”

2000 No award given

1998 Roger Wertheimer “Quotational Synonymy”

1996 Vernon Sarver, Jr. “Kant’s ‘Social Contract’ and the Death Penalty”

1995 John Pepple “A Lost Fragment of Empedocles”

1994 Arnold Chien “The Concept of Speaker’s Meaning”

1988 Ronald Hoeflin “Theories of Truth: A Comprehensive Synthesis”

1987 Richard Brockhaus “Realism and Psychologism in 19th Century Logic”

1986 Quentin Smith “Problems with the New Tenseless Theory of Time”

1985 Peter M. Brown “Tarski, Truth and Realism”

1985 W.J. Talbot “Benefit Spreading Agreements and Justice”

1984 Quentin Smith “The Infinite Regress of Temporal Attributions”

1984 James McCall “Kant’s Later Physics and Shroedinger’s Wave Mechanics: Towards an Ontology of Inorganic Nature”

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