Call for Papers SSPP

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I’m the philosophy program chair for the 104th annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, to be held March 22-24, 2012 in Savannah, GA. SSPP meetings feature concurrent programs in philosophy and psychology, as well as plenary sessions jointly sponsored by the philosophy and psychology program committees. The deadline for all submissions is November 1, 2011.

Invited Speakers:

David Rosenthal (CUNY Graduate Center)

William Bechtel (UC San Diego)

Jesse Prinz (CUNY Graduate Center)

Invited Symposia:

Cognition and the Social: Carrie Figdor, Bryce Huebner, Anthony Chemero

Perplexities of Perception: Brian Keeley, Robert Briscoe, Berit Brogaard

Fictionalism, Falsehood and the Epistemic Value of Truth: Anthony Dardis, Chase Wrenn, Tad Zawidzki

Explaining Consciousness: Richard Brown, Josh Weisberg, Kenneth Williford

The Philosophy Program Committee encourages the submission of papers and symposium proposals.  Their selection will be based on quality and relevance to philosophy, psychology, and other sciences of the mind.  The aim of the committee is to present as balanced a program as the quality of submissions in each area permits.

Papers:  Submissions exceeding 3,000 words will not be considered. Submissions should include a word count and an abstract of no more than 150 words.  Self-reference should be deleted to permit blind reviewing; authors should indicate their identity only on the cover letter that accompanies their submission.  All papers submitted and presented should employ gender-neutral language.  Please submit file as lastname.firstname.doc or lastname.firstname.rtf or lastname.firstname.pdf.

Papers, along with the Abstract Submission Form on the website, should be submitted electronically to: 

Dr. Pete Mandik

Certain papers may be selected for commentary depending on overall programmatic considerations.  People who wish to comment on a paper or to chair a session may volunteer by sending a short version of their curriculum vitae directly to the program chairperson at the above address.

Please specify ‘SSPP Submission’ in the subject line.  If the paper is being submitted in consideration of a Graduate Student Travel Award, please specify ‘SSPP Submisson– GSTA.’  If the paper should be considered for the Griffith prize, please specify ‘SSPP submission – Griffith.’

Further info can be found at the SSPP website and especially in the SSPP August Newsletter.

(cross-posted at Brain Hammer)

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