CFA: Workshop on Experimentation in Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh

A workshop on Experimentation in Neuroscience will take place at the Pittsburgh University Center for Philosophy of Science on November 22-23. The workshop will showcase the exciting advances in this field while also providing a forum for discussion about the criteria for progress in the development of experimental methods. It will bring together philosophers of neuroscience and neuroscientists to address pressing epistemological and methodological issues emerging in work across major areas of experimental neuroscience, with the hope that such a dialogue will catalyze further philosophical debate about issues of experimentation arising in these scientific domains.

The workshop will conclude with a graduate student poster session, and we are currently inviting students to submit abstracts for this session. We are also accepting applications for grad student funding to cover two night’s accommodation in Pittsburgh.

See for information about the workshop and details of how to register, submit posters and apply for funds.

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