The Minds Online conference has begun, and our first session will be open for discussion through September 4. It is on the theme of Social Cognition, and includes the following papers:
- Tony Jack and Jared Friedman (Case Western Reserve): “Mapping cognitive structure onto the landscape of philosophical debate: an empirical framework with relevance to problems of consciousness, free will and ethics”(KEYNOTE)
- Saray Ayala (San Francisco State): “Explaining Injustice in Speech: Individualistic vs. Structural Explanation”
- Commentators: Alex Madva and Valerie Soon
- Marta Halina (Cambridge): “Inference and Error in Comparative Psychology: The Case of Mindreading”
- Commentators: Kristin Andrews, Robert Lurz, and Irina Mikhalevich
- Luke Roelofs (Toronto): “Amodal Mind-Perception: Combining Inferentialism and Perceptualism”
- Commentators: Jessie Munton and Joel Smith
- Evan Westra (Maryland): “Talking about Minds: Social Experience, Pragmatic Development, and the False Belief Task”
- Commentators: John Michael, Shannon Spaulding, and J. Robert Thompson
Please, click over to the conference site and join in the discussion!