Applications for the Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy are now open!

Applications are now being accepted for the Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy (SSNAP), to be held at Duke University from May 22 to June 5, 2016. The SSNAP consist of two weeks of intensive training in philosophy and neuroscience with the aim of fostering collaboration between the two disciplines. A total of 20 positions are available: 10 for applicants from philosophy and 10 for applicants from neuroscience. Fellows will be encouraged to form interdisciplinary teams to develop a joint research project, with which they can apply for a sub-award of up to $30,000. Generous funding from the Templeton Foundation enables us to offer each fellow travel expenses, room and board during the SSNAP, and an honorarium of $1500.  Applications should include a cover letter (up to 2 pages) describing the applicant’s background in neuroscience and philosophy and how the applicant plans to use the training in the SSNAP, a proposal for research (up to 2 pages) describing a big question that the applicant would be likely to focus on during the SSNAP and a proposed experiment or research project, a CV, a recent writing sample (preferably published), and at least 3 letters of recommendation (to be sent separately by the recommenders).

The deadline for applications is December 10, 2015. Fellows will be notified by January 10, 2016.

Duke University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and encourages applications from qualified female and minority candidates. We also encourage neuroscientists and philosophers to apply as interdisciplinary teams from the same or nearby institutions.

Please send all application materials to the project coordinator, Gregory Stewart, at gregory.stewart@duke.eduAdditional information can be found on the project website:


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