CFP: Australasian Society for Philosophy and Psychology

Australasian Society for Philosophy and Psychology

Call For Symposia And Papers

1st Annual Meeting
December 5-7, 2018
Sydney, Australia

The Australasian Society for Philosophy and Psychology invites proposals for symposia and papers  for its first annual meeting, to be held in Sydney, 5-7 December 2018. Submissions are open to anyone with an interest in philosophy, cognitive science, or cognate disciplines. Confirmed keynote speakers include John Sutton, Donna Addis, and Peter Godfrey-Smith.

Symposia proposals (Due March 15, 2018): Symposia should include 3-5 papers around a common theme, to fit within a 2-hour timeslot. Symposia proposals should be no more than 1500 words and include a title, an abstract for the symposium as a whole, and titles and abstracts for each paper. In addition, and separate to the word limit, please include a brief biosketch for each participant. We particularly encourage symposium proposals in which speakers from distinct disciplinary and/or subdisciplinary backgrounds address a topic of common interest to psychologists and philosophers.

Paper Abstracts (Due April 15, 2018): Please submit a title and an abstract of 250 words or less,  in any area relevant to philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive science. Indicate whether you would be willing to present your paper as a poster if it is not accepted for the main program.

Proposals and abstracts should be sent to, preferably as pdf attachments.

For more information about the society and our aims, or to join our mailing list, please visit

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