Philosophy Journal Wiki

Doug Portmore had the brilliant idea of starting a Philosophy Journal Wiki, where we can all share information about the editorial practices of philosophy journals.  I encourage you to go there and add information about your experience with the various journals.

Quoting from PEA Soup <> : “Inspired by the Philosophy Job Market Wiki <> , I decided to start a wiki that will allow authors, editors, and referees to share information on philosophy journals: their editorial practices, response times, backlogs on publishing, policies on providing comments to authors, etc. There is, I think, a great need for such information, as in many cases the information provided by the journals themselves on their own web sites is often outdated or incomplete. A wiki, by the way, is a web site that allows visitors to easily add, remove, and otherwise edit its content. So I invite you to share whatever knowledge you have of the editorial policies and practices of philosophy journals by adding what you know to the Philosophy Journals Information <>  wiki at If you have information to add, please go to this web site, read the instructions, click on the appropriate partial edit icons (they look like tiny pages and end of each heading), and then add what you know. And please spread the word about the wiki. Thanks, Doug.”

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