Matteo Colombo on (Mis)Computation in Computational Psychiatry

The Brains blog is excited about the next Neural Mechanisms webinar this Friday. It is free. Find information about how and when to join the webinar here: (and below).

(Mis)Computation in Computational Psychiatry

Matteo Colombo (Tilburg University)

22 February
h 15-17 – Greenwhich Mean Time 
(Convert to your local time here)

Abstract. An adequate explication of miscomputation should do justice to the practices involved in the computational sciences. As relevant practices outside computer science have so far been overlooked, I begin to fill this gap by distinguishing different notions of miscomputation in computational psychiatry. I argue that a satisfactory explication ofmiscomputation in computational psychiatry should essentially appeal to semantic properties that characterise the interaction between a target computing system and its environment. Any account of physical computation that does not appeal to semantics for explicating  miscomputation in psychiatric illness is inadequate.

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