Call for Unpublished Studies on Means/Byproduct Distinction

Josh May and I are conducting a meta-analysis on judgments related to the Doctrine of Double Effect. In particular, we are interested in seeing if the byproduct/means distinction is reflected in everyday moral judgments. The classic cases that illustrate the byproduct/means distinction are the Bystander and Footbridge cases (respectively). Or …

Predicting Disagreement: Strange Fictions in X-Phi

My paper with Edward Cokely entitled “Predicting Philosophical Disagreement” is now out in Philosophy Compass. It puts in one accessible piece the work we’ve done over the past several years showing that heritable personality traits predict disagreement in a number of philosophical domains, even among verifiable experts. In the article …

Calling for unpublished studies about free will, moral responsibility, and affect

Florian Cova and I are working on finishing up a meta-analysis about the role affect plays in free will and moral responsibility judgments. We are examining the effect first identified by Nichols and Knobe 2007 ( We are hoping to include studies that some of you have done but have …

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