CFP: Cognition and Computation

Special issue of Reti, saperi, linguaggi: Italian Journal of Cognitive Sciences Deadline for submissions: July 31th, 2017 Notification of acceptance: October 15th, 2017 One of the founding ideas of cognitive science is that cognition is essentially computation. From the very start, many have denied this view, but in recent times computationalism …

CFP: ESPP 2017

25th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP), University of Hertfordshire, 14th-17th August 2017. The deadline for submission of SYMPOSIA, PAPERS and POSTERS is 15th March. Online submission: via EasyChair Conference website – coming soon -: Keynote speakers: Susan Gelman (Psychology, Michigan) Elisabeth Pacherie (Philosophy, Institut …

CFP: PhilMiLCog 2017

PhilMiLCog 2017 University of Western Ontario Graduate Conference in Philosophy of Mind, Language, and Cognitive Science Thursday June 15 to Saturday June 17 Keynote Speakers: Professor Barbara Gail Montero (Philosophy, City University of New York) Professor Gillian Barker (Philosophy, University of Western Ontario) + TBD (Brain and Mind Institute, University of Western Ontario) The Philosophy Department of the University of Western Ontario is …

CFP: Grounding Sensible Qualities

Dates: May 26-27, 2017 Location: University of California, Berkeley Details: We invite submissions of papers to be considered for presentation at this international conference. Potential topics include but are not limited to the following: What is the metaphysical nature of colors? In what way are colors grounded in the physical and/or …

Congratulations are due …

Heartfelt congratulations to Felipe De Brigard (Duke University), winner of the 2017 Stanton Prize from the Society for Philosophy and Psychology, and Andrea Scarantino (Georgia State University), winner of the 2017 Simon Prize from the International Association for Computing and Philosophy.

Felipe will give his prize address at the SPP’s upcoming meeting at Johns Hopkins University, and Andrea his at the IACAP’s meeting at Stanford. Both meetings are still accepting submissions …

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