CFP: The Philosophical Significance of Molyneux’s Question

CFP: The Philosophical Significance of Molyneux’s Question University of York, UK June 5-6, 2017 Funded by a grant from the New Directions in the Study of the Mind Project ( to Louise Richardson and John Schwenkler Confirmed speakers:: Mohan Matthen, L. A. Paul, M. G. F. Martin With responses from members of Sense …

CFP: Themes in Transformative Experience

Themes in Transformative Experience: metaphysics, aesthetics, epistemology, and philosophy of mind Pre conference of the 2017 Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association Seattle, WA April 11th, 2017 The Seattle Westin Transformative experience connects to a wide range of philosophical topics. An experience can be epistemically transformative by teaching …

IAI @philofbrains: “After the End of Truth”

A generation raised on Foucault and Derrida has learned to distrust claims to objective truth. Yet the mantra that ‘there is no truth’ is a paradox. Do we need a new conception of fantasy and reality to free us from the tyranny of truthmakers and the paradoxes of postmodernists alike?

Philosopher John Searle, post-postmodernist Hilary Lawsonand Historian of Ideas at Kings College London Hannah Dawson untangle the truth.

This video was produced by The Institute of Art and Ideas and is republished here with permission.  It was filmed at HowTheLightGetsIn 2015 alongside 200 other debates and talks, all available for free at IAI TV. Their new podcast, Philosophy for our times, is available here.

Applications are open for the 2017 Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy

Calling all curious neuroscientists and philosophers! Collaborate in the summer seminars for neuroscience and philosophy, a three year program sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation and Duke University. Our goal is to advance knowledge at the intersection of these fields. Together we can apply cutting-edge scientific research to the big questions on …

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