A Useful Complement to the Philosophy Gourmet Report

Thanks to a link sent to me by Bob Gordon, I just discovered a useful list of philosophy resources created by Anthony Cole of the Worwick School fo Law.  There is a ranking of philosophy journals, HPS programs, and much more.  There are also rankings of philosophy departments around the world based …

Sellars’ Papers available at the Archive of Scientific Philosophy

Wilfrid Sellars was one of the most important philosophers of mind in the 20th Century.  I just discovered that the complete collection of his unpublished papers and correspondence is available at the Archive of Scientific Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh.  The collection was created by Pitt archivist Lance Lugar, who …

They Myth of Psychological Laws

It amazes me how many philosophy papers, even by young philosophers, appeal to “psychological laws”.  For instance, they may discuss whether psychological laws are reducible to more fundamental laws, or whether they are intentional, or whathaveyou.  This way of talking seems to presuppose that psychologists explain behavior in terms of laws.Where do they …

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