First-person Data vs. Sense Data

David Chalmers helpfully pointed out that the first relevant use of “first-person data” appears to be due to Herbert Feigl (in “The ‘Mental’ and the ‘Physical’”, 1958).  This brings up what seems to me a confusion in the current literature between first-person data as a kind of scientific data and …

First-person Data

The expression “first-person data” has become quite common in the consciousness studied literature, where it is used to refer to data about conscious experience, sometimes with the implication that these data are obtained only through introspection, and sometimes with the further implication that these are private data (as opposed to …

Recent Sources on Functions and Mechanisms

Next Spring, I’m teaching a course on mechanisms (mechanistic explanation) and functions (functional explanation).  I’m considering some of the following sources: The Monist, 87.1 (2004). Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 37.1 (2006). Allen, C., M. Bekoff, and G. Lauder, Eds. (1998). Nature’s Purposes: Analysis of Function and Design …

The Unreliability of Introspection

Traditionally, many philosophers like to attribute special status to at least some kinds of knowledge that we have of our minds.  The purported reliability of introspection is often invoked by those who propose to construct a first-person science–a science based on private evidence delivered through introspection.  Even Daniel Dennett, a naturalist …

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