Should We Redefine Statistical Significance? A Brains Blog Roundtable

Consider the following:   Obviously this is bad science and even worse scientific reporting, but what can be done to combat it? More generally, what should be the scholarly response to the growing sense, among scientific researchers and the lay public alike, that scientific publications are not trustworthy — that …

The 3rd Annual Minds Online Conference Starts Monday!

Mark your calendars! The conference starts Monday and runs for three weeks. The first session’s papers are already posted. Commenting for the first session starts Monday. Check out the full post for the rest of the details.

In Memoriam: Hubert Dreyfus

Hubert L. Dreyfus, for nearly 50 years a professor of philosophy at UC Berkeley, died this past Saturday.

As many will know, Dreyfus was an early critic of artificial intelligence and an influential interpreter of Martin Heidegger and other phenomenologists. More recently he challenged John McDowell’s conceptualist accounts of perception and action with arguments that drew on his reading of Merleau-Ponty and longstanding interests in the phenomenology of skill. He will be sorely missed.

For more on Bert’s life, his teaching, and what made his approach to philosophy so revolutionary, here is a lengthy obituary by his student Sean Dorrance Kelly.

New M.Sc. in Early Childhood Research

The M.Sc. in Early Childhood Research at Leipzig University (Germany) is a two-year Master’s program fully conducted in English. The program aims to enable highly qualified students to build up a career as a researcher as well as a scientific coordinator, consultant or advisor in the interdisciplinary field of early …

Letter of support for the Department of Philosophy in Zagreb

The Department of Philosophy in the Centre of Croatian Studies at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, is under threat of closure — apparently as retribution after members of the department have successfully brought a plagiarism case against the Croatian minister of science and education. For some more information, visit here.

The philosopher Kati Farkas will address the senate of the University of Zagreb on behalf of the embattled philosophy department, and she has composed a Letter of Support which she plans to bring to the senate meeting. The letter is to be signed by philosophy faculty affiliated with higher education institutions worldwide.

To sign Prof. Farkas’s letter, visit Please note that this is NOT the same as the petition that was originally announced at Daily Nous.

(Thanks to Beri Marusic for sharing this information.)
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