A New Theory of Free Will

Just a quick note that I recently published an article in The Philosophical Forum , “A New Theory of Free Will“, that may be of interest to readers (a free PDF of the penultimate draft is available here).  Here’s the abstract:  This paper shows that several live philosophical and scientific hypotheses – including …

A New Account of the Systematicity of Thought

In other Aizawa-relevant news, Steven Philips and Williams Wilson have a new theory of the systematicity of thought based on category theory. With their publication, they have joined an elite group of academics who have referred to my book, The Systematicity Arguments.  (Fodor mentions it in LOT 2   and …

Fodorian Philosophy of Psychology

The following six theses characterize what I will call Fodorian Philosophy of Psychology (FPP, for short): There are psychological laws Psychological laws are required for psychological explanations Predicates used to express scientific laws pick out genuine properties Genuine properties are properties that ground causal relations Psychological properties are functional properties …

Temporal Compartmentalization, Declarative Memory, and Consciousness

I recently read a very interesting opinion in Nature by Tu & Knight titled “Metabolic cycles as an underlying basis for biological oscillations” (2006).  The main idea of the paper is that many periodic processes in organisms, specifically, the circadian cycle, hibernation cycle, and sleep-wake cycle, can be partially explained in terms …

Does dualism make a difference?

On my long, long list of “Things I Don’t Really Have Time to Think About But Wish I Did” is the following simple question: Does dualism make a difference to one’s overall view of the mind? Since some might assume that the obvious answer to the question is an obvious …

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