Neural Rewards for Altruistic Behavior (Voluntary or Not)
Results published in the last issue of Science, as reported in today’s NYT.
Posts from the founder of Brains, Gualtiero Piccinini.
Results published in the last issue of Science, as reported in today’s NYT.
Wired reports that in a paper just published in Biophysics Journal, two physicists suggest that neurons communicate by sending pressure waves (rather than electrical signals, as everyone else believes) through their axons. (Link courtesy of Blake Myers.)
… is a book by Arnold Trehub that is now available online, along with a few other papers by him.
Some European researchers have published a book, entitled “Intervening in the Brain: Changing Psyche and Society,” which covers both the possibilities of intervention offered by cutting-edge neuroscience and the philosophical and political issues that such interventions raise.
Contrary to what many doctors apparently assume, there is overwhelming evidence (cf. here and here) that hydranencephalic children, who lack a cerebral cortex, are creature conscious in a robust sense. That is, they have a sleep-wake cycle, they respond appropriately to some features of stimuli, and they express emotions and preferences. …
Josh Dever is concerned that philosophers don’t cite Ph.D. dissertations enough. To try to counter that, he has created a webpage with links to some philosophy dissertations. (Link couresy of Brandon Towl.)
Price announcement. Some comments on it. (Courtesy of Zvi Biener.)