Knowing That P Without Believing That P

For those interested, Eric Schwitzgebel and I have been exploring the relationship between knowledge ascriptions and belief ascriptions.  We just finished a draft on this topic, which can be found here. Abstract: The standard view in contemporary epistemology is that knowledge entails belief. Proponents of this claim rarely offer a …

Mental/mental causal exclusion cases

By Brandon Towl Some readers of Brains will be familiar with Kim’s causal exclusion argument.  Roughly, the argument goes: 1) Every physical effect has a sufficient cause that is a physical cause. 2) Mental states (properties) are causes. 3) Mental states (properties) are realized by physical states (properties). 4) Mental …

Do qualia serve to tag the ‘here and now’?

What follows are some excerpts from a manuscript on the PCC (psychological correlates of consciousness) that I’ve been working on for a while, which will perhaps never see the light of
day. Philosophers, feel free to have a field day with my naive ideas.

Note I’m not sure which of the ideas are mine and which I stole from others. Of the inspirations I remember, two stick out. One, Gregory suggested that qualia function as a ‘tag for the present’ (see
his paper on this here), and Trehub has also suggested similar ideas in the domain of space …

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