Call For Papers: Collective Intentionality

Collective Intentionality VIII University of Manchester August 28-31, 2012 Collective Intentionality VIII – as the name suggests! – is the eighth in a series of large-scale international events on joint and/or cooperative action, reasoning, decision, intention, attention, and associated mental and agential phenomena, topics that impact on issues in ethics …

Bennett on Non-Reductive Physicalism

I just re-read Karen Bennett’s paper Exclusion, Again. In this paper she argues that causal exclusion arguments provide a nice overall argument for physicalism but do not cut against non-reductive physicalism as usually thought. Here is how she defines non-reductive physicalism. Let us begin with the ‘physicalism’ part. It is …

A Summary of the Imperative Content Strategy

By Manolo Martinez In my last post I was assuming familiarity with something not many people is familiar with. I apologise. Let me say a quick thing about the imperative content strategy to defend representationalism about pain. Before that, representationalism: this is the idea that the phenomenal character of experiences …

The Identity Theory and Mind-Brain Correlations

By Brandon Towl In another thread (“What’s a good reading against type-identity theory for neuroscientists?”), I mentioned that I had a forthcoming paper in Philosophical Psychology that puts pressure on the IBE argument for identity theory.  Below is the abstract.  If anyone would like a draft of the paper, please …

A Dialogue with Brit Brogaard on Philosophy and Neuroscience

My great colleague Brit Brogaard has recently started doing empirical research, primarily in cognitive neuroscience.  This prompted the following dialogue, which will eventually be published in our department’s newsletter. Gualtiero: Until recently, you were known for armchair philosophizing and not at all for empirical research.  Could you briefly explain how you became …

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