Reading group on the manuscript of Doing Without Concepts Cted

Since several readers of Brains have told me they were interested in taking part in this group, we will start tomorrow. Here is how I will proceed. Starting tomorrow (Wednesday), I will send by e-mail a chapter every week. On Monday, I will open a thread on the relevant chapter. …

Reading group on the manuscript of Doing Without Concepts?

I now have a full draft of my book on concepts, Doing Without Concepts (OUP). A small reading group at Pitt (Bogen, Glymour…)  gave me some invaluable feedback on the previous draft (actually, we are reading the last chapters). If a few readers of Brains are interested, I’d like to …

CFP: Arts and Neuroscience Review

Cfp on the topic of Imagination and Creativity for the Arts and Neurosciences Review Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, France (Deadline: February 15, 2007) ARTS and NEUROSCIENCES REVIEW Established in the Institut Jean Nicod, an interdisciplinary lab interface between the humanities and the cognitive sciences, ARTS and NEUROSCIENCES REVIEW presents articles, …

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