For those going to the Central APA next week

Here is an interesting session organized by David Anderson:    FRIDAY, February 17, 3-6pm  (at the Palmer House, Chicago)   SESSION ON “Machine Consciousness” (Sponsored by the APA Committee on Computers and Philosophy)   Chair: David Leech Anderson (Illinois State University) 3:00 Ned Block (New York University), “Can thinking about …

Explaining Cartesian Consciousness

[cross-posted at Philosophy Sucks!] In his classic paper “Two Concepts of Consciousness” David Rosenthal says “…if consciousness is essential to mentality no informative, nontrivial explanation of consciousness is possible” (2005 p 22). The claim is, roughly, that if all mental states are conscious and if there are no mental states …

Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science

If you have undergraduate students looking for an interesting study abroad experience that will keep them on track in their philosophy, psychology, computer science, or cognitive science major, please point them towards the Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science ( It is a really good program, and has had regular participation …

successful vs. unsuccessful psychopaths

Bill Hirstein and I have just submitted a paper to the SPP on the criminal culpability of successful vs. unsuccessful psychopaths, and I’m hoping to generate a bit of discussion on the distinction.Gao and Raine recently published a review of studies distinguishing the two populations within five types of samples: …

Templeton Foundation Open Submission–Starting Soon!

As part of its spring open submission cycle, the John Templeton Foundation welcomes online funding inquiries in the areas of philosophy and theology.  The submission window is February 1 to April 16, 2012.  Proposed philosophical projects need not have religion or theology as a focus.  To submit an online funding …

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