Italy’s Malaise

The NY Times has an insightful article describing Italians’ current unhappiness with themselves and their country.  They see Italy declining, but they don’t see any way to stop the decline.In the 1990s Italians had an opportunity to go in a different direction.  There were a number of ballot measures (“referendums”) that would have …

Modeling and Simulation in Helsinki

On November 29 and 30, I attended the workshop on Modeling, Simulation and Computational Science organized by Anna-Mari Rusanen and Tarja Knuuttila in Helsinki, Finland.  I found it excellent.  There were philosophers, physicists, and cognitive scientists talking to one another about computational models and computational explanations.  I felt people were genuinely …


The other day I was procrastinating on preparing for class, so I went over to Chalmers’s MindPapers. It didn’t take all that long before I did a search on “Aizawa” and found a few papers. I also noted that most were not cited. That reminded me of a discussion not …

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