This year’s edition of Kazimierz Naturalized Epistemology Workshop (1st-5th September 2007) will focus on relations between naturalized epistemology and artificial cognitive systems. The prospective keynote speakers are Don Favareau (National University of Singapore) Maria Frapolli (University of Granada) Stevan Harnad (University of Quebec at Montreal and University of Southampton) Hilary …

Phenomenal Consciousness without Cerebral Cortex?

Contrary to what many doctors apparently assume, there is overwhelming evidence (cf. here and here) that hydranencephalic children, who lack a cerebral cortex, are creature conscious in a robust sense.  That is, they have a sleep-wake cycle, they respond appropriately to some features of stimuli, and they express emotions and preferences.  …

Surveys on intuitions about mental states

Justin Sytsma and I (Pittsburgh, HPS) are surveying people’s intuitions about mental states. We would appreciate if the readers of this blog took part in this survey. We ask participants to complete a 5-minute questionnaire and we ask a few biographic questions. The questionnaire is entirely anonymous and your response …

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