Hi all, this should be great this year, Macquarie has a lot of good theorists in cog sci and psychology as well as philosophy:
This year the Australasian Association of Philosophy meeting is being hosted by Macquarie University (July 5th-9th), which also boasts a philosophy friendly Department of Psychology and an interdisciplinary Department of Cognitive Science.
This year we will continue to run an Advances in the Philosophy of Cognitive Science and Psychology stream in partnership with the Australasian Society for Cognitive Science:
In recent decades philosophers taking a rigerously naturalistic approach to the mind (broadly treating minds as natural phenomena open to empirical investigation) have made considerable advances in our understanding of phenomena such as consciousness, memory, delusions and mental representation to name just a few. This stream aims to showcase the newest work in this area.
Registration/Conference info: https://www.aap-conferences.org.au/
Early registration closes Friday May 15th
Please direct any questions specific to the stream to me, general questions about the conference should go to Jeanette Kennett jeanette.kennett@mq.edu.au
all the best