CFP: Cognition and Computation

Special issue of Reti, saperi, linguaggi: Italian Journal of Cognitive Sciences

Deadline for submissions: July 31th, 2017

Notification of acceptance: October 15th, 2017

One of the founding ideas of cognitive science is that cognition is essentially computation. From the very start, many have denied this view, but in recent times computationalism has increasingly come under attack from several different fronts.

From a quick glance at the current cognitive science scenario, one comes away with the impression that several of the criticisms raised against the computational view of mind, rather than leading to the abandonment of computationalism altogether, have instead served to advancing it in several respects. The aim of this call is to collect reflections regarding this scenario.

Submissions should adhere to the following guidelines:

Articles should be submitted in blind review format. Please omit any self–identifying information within the abstract and body of the paper. Max length: 35.000 characters (including spaces, references and an abstract of no more than 150 words). Please use the APA citation style for references.

Language: English

Guest Editor: Alessio Plebe

Submissions should be sent via e-mail to: aplebe[at]

Important dates:

Deadline for submissions: July 31th, 2017

Notification of acceptance: October 15th, 2017

A more detailed Call for Papers is available here.

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