CFP: Models and Simulations

Below is a call for papers for a conference on computer simulations. Although philosophers of mind have talked a lot about computer simulations (Turing test, anyone?), in my opinion they are very far from having reached the bottom on this important topic. I have written some of my opinions on this matter here. What follows is reproduced from the call for papers for the conference.

Two-day conference in Paris, 12-13 June 2006

Computer simulations play a crucial role in many sciences, but they have not yet received the attention they deserve from philosophers of science. This conference attempts to systematically explore methodological issues in connection with computer simulations and the implications of these for traditional questions in the philosophy of science. Special emphasis is put on the relation between models and simulations as well as on the role of computers in the practice of science.


Please send extended abstracts of 1000 words to by 15 March 2006. Decisions will be made by 1 April. A few travel bursaries for graduate students are available; if you wish to be considered please submit a short (tentative) travel budget and a CV together with your paper. There will also be a Best Graduate Paper Award of 500 EUROS. For details, visit the conference website.
Deadline for submissions: 15 March 2006

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