CFA: Summer School of Ideas in Neuroscience
The following opportunity may be of interest to some Brains Blog readers!
The following opportunity may be of interest to some Brains Blog readers!
We are delighted to announce the next in our series of Brains Blog Roundtables. The topic of this discussion is Buddhism in Philosophy of Mind! Please join Dan Burnston and our very exciting panel, Monima Chadha (Monash), Owen Flanagan (Duke), and Evan Thompson (UBC) for a fantastic discussion about how …
Hi All, Our friends at Neural Mechanisms have announced their talk lineup for 2023, and as usual it will be a great set of speakers. See the schedule below, and check out for more information! February 3, h 16 – 18 (CET)John W. KRAKAUER(Johns Hopkins University) February 17, h 16 – …
The contemporary (Fodor-style) Language of Thought (LOT) hypothesis (not to be confused with Sellars’s reasonable hypothesis that some neural processes are somewhat analogous to linguistic episodes) is that many cognitive capacities widespread within the animal kingdom, such as perception, navigation, or caching, are explained by processing language-like representations like those …
The International Society for the Philosophy of the Sciences of the Mind (ISPSM) presents: Practical Session: How can philosophers engage in interdisciplinary research? The session will take place on zoom on the 27th of January 2023 at 4 pm (GMT+1) All are welcome. More information here.
We are delighted to inform the philosophy community of a newly founded international society: International Society for the Philosophy of the Sciences of the Mind (ISPSM) The International Society for the Sciences of the Mind is a hub for connecting researchers around the globe in all areas of the philosophy …
Heidi Maibom, University of Cincinnati and University of the Basque Country The argument for why empathy makes us less, not more, impartial, biased, or objective is simple once the groundwork has been laid. It proceeds in three steps. One: the way that each one of us thinks about the world …