Doing without Concepts
My book, Doing without Concepts, is now out! You can get it from the Oxford University Press website or from Amazon (where it is not yet in stock). Most of you know know the take-home message of the book: The notion of concept should be eliminated from the theoretical vocabulary …
A New Philosophy of Science Group Blog
Check it out: It’s Only A Theory.
Developmental Disorders and Cognitive Architecture
The dissociations that result from developmental psychopathologies (Down syndrome, etc.) have been one of the main sources of evidence for breaking up the mind into pieces – that is, for identifying the components of the typical cognitive architecture. But is this practice justified? Do these dissociations really provide evidence about …
Check out PhilPapers, a new philosophy online resources created by David Chalmers and David Bourget. (HT: Leiter Reports.)
A New Trend in Philosophy Journals’ Editorial Process?
Philosophy journals are notoriously slow in processing submissions. They often take a year or so to decide whether to accept a paper, and when they reject, they often give no useful feedback to the author. At the same time, editors complain about the increasing number of submissions – most of which …
Philosophers’ Carnival #85